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Showing posts from August 23, 2015

Holistic Orthodontics

When a person’s teeth or jaw structures do not function properly, the body compensates in order to survive. However this leads to many other potential problems such as increase risk of injury to jaws and teeth, chronic head aches, sore jaws, malocclusion (bad bite) and excessive and premature wear of your teeth. Orthodontic treatment addresses many of these issues and aids in treatment of; Tempromandibular joints (Jaw joints) dysfunction. Chronic head/ neck pain. Improves intraoral volume to ease breathing and tongue posture. Reconstructing the bite. Improves aesthetics of your smile. Orthodontic treatment can be achieved through many different ways to suite your lifestyle. Please feel free to Ask Dr. Ancell any questions that you may have if you think you experience any of above.